QUALIFIED STAFF: the company personnel, on average young and dynamic, is immediately flanked for a growth process that starts from the first day in the company; the management believes that human resources are the key element that characterizes the company itself, the beating heart, so we try to support them in training, to asses their satisfaction and review their skills.
In particular, most of the technicians are qualified to electrical work on live voltage in Low Voltage and out voltage in high Voltage, and Low Voltage with the qualification of expert, certified with a course CEI, some technicians are authorized to access in mining Platform, having attained the course “ Training and Sea Rescue”, and there are also employees trained and designated fire emergency workers and first aid. As regard to specific technical training, in addition to classrooms run by experienced teachers, runs, with proven results, by daily tilling between Senior Staff and Junior Staff. All the staff is formed on security work with specified courses Status Across Regions for workers and accountables, courses for works with high, DPI 3rd category use, fire prevention courses and first aid and all the present staff in the construction site is formed on present specified risks.
EFFICIENT INSTRUMENTAL RESOURCES: the company has a procedure for the management of the instrumental resources, from the acquisition to the maintenance; there are selected only equipment and modern instrumentation with an advanced technology, but above all there is a maintenance plan that provides programmed controls in order to verify the efficiency of the equipment and the periodical calibration of the instrumentation.
CAREFUL EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF VENDORS: the company evaluates and choises very carefully his vendors with a point system selection based on quality and efficency of th offered service. This method assure the validity of the operative process which from first matters and services supplied by qualified vendors, can guarantee the product quality or final service supplied by the company to the costumers.
PLANNING OBJECTIVES: annually, the company sets goals that concern the main business processes, such as: customer satisfaction, reliability, efficiency of the offer, company economy, efficiency of supply, improvement of health and security on the work site etc. At these objectives are assigned a numerical index to be achived, wich is checked regularly, and according to the difference, the management shall take the decisions aimed at continuous improvement;
REVIEW PROCESS: each process has a procedure and undergoes at checks in every stage; in particular it is planned, managed and controlled. The most important part is to review where it is evaluated the consistency of the requirements and the improvement. The company applies this method from the preparation of commercial offer, to customer satisfaction.